Can acupuncture treat neck pain?

Acupuncture is very effective in relieving neck pain and its symptoms. It can treat neck pain caused by whiplash and can also treat degenerative neck disorders like cervical spondylosis and ankylosing spondylosis.

Studies show that acupuncture works very well for conditions that have not been cured by conventional treatments. Acupuncture provides quick relief from chronic neck pain. Studies reveal that patients were more satisfied with acupuncture than with traditional spinal injections. The practitioner inserts needles into the skin at specific points and this doesn’t hurt the body. For quick relief from neck pain, acupuncture treatment is provided in combination with herbal medicine. This reduces the pain and spasm in the neck muscles providing a relaxed state. Herbal medicine varies depending on the condition of the patient.

It improves blood circulation and thus, eases muscle contraction.

Acupuncture is widely used by patients with neck pain, but there is a lack of information about its effectiveness in routine medical care. Over years of research and clinical experience West Acupuncture has become a leader in the treatment of neck pain. Acupuncture is very effective in relieving neck pain and its symptoms. It can treat neck pain caused by whiplash and can also treat degenerative neck disorders like cervical spondylosis and ankylosing spondylosis. Studies show that acupuncture works very well for conditions that have not been cured by conventional treatments. For quick relief from neck pain, acupuncture treatment is provided in combination with herbal medicine. This reduces the pain and spasm in the neck muscles providing a relaxed state. Herbal medicine varies depending on the condition of the patient. It improves blood circulation and thus, eases muscle contraction.

Number of needles and location

During an acupuncture treatment for neck pain you will usually be required to lie face down on the treatment table. Therapeutic massage may be applied first to help relax the soft tissues around your neck and to stimulate blood circulation in the area. Up to 10 or 12 acupuncture needles will be gently inserted in your neck, shoulders and upper back. The precise location of the needles depends on the location of the pain and whether it’s sharp or dull, constant or intermittent, and other factors. Acupuncture points on your arms and legs may also be needled.

Length of treatment

The needles usually stay in place for 20-30 minutes. All you have to do is lie there and relax. Acupuncture has a soothing effect on many people and some even fall asleep during the treatment. Acupuncture can also effectively treat related problems like chronic neck pain and headache and acute stiff neck and headache. Other therapies combined with acupuncture Apart from therapeutic massage, acupuncture for neck pain may also include other TCM therapies like moxibustion and cupping, which most traditional acupuncturists are trained in. Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy and cupping is a technique that helps circulate blood. A Chinese herbal liniment for pain may also be rubbed into your neck and upper back muscles once the needles have been removed. You may also be given a Chinese herbal formula to help address the underlying cause of your neck pain, as well as neck exercises. This above information is a general outline only of what happens when you have acupuncture for neck pain. TCM views each of as a unique individual – no two people with neck pain will receive exactly the same treatment. How many treatments you need also varies from person to person, however you can expect relief from acute stiff neck after one or two treatments, while chronic neck pain may take several or even a dozen treatments.