How can acupuncture improve infertility?

The symptom of Infertility indicates that there is and imbalance somewhere in the body. Once function, circulation, and hormonal balance is restored. Conception may be achieved once the body’s overall health is restored. Difficulties in conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy can indicate a hormonal imbalance, metabolic imbalance and/ or poor circulation. Using Chinese medicine, we can asses the underlying imbalances and detect stress and/or weakness thought the body. However, it is always important to get a through western medical examination to determine any possible structural issues causing infertility. Acupuncture treatments for infertility are most effective in cases where functional disorders are the cause of infertility. Acupuncture has been shown in several studies to have significant advantages for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments. A 2002 German infertility study showed that acupuncture treatments combined with IVF treatment lead to twice as many successful pregnancies. Even more surprising was that the acupuncture infertility treatments increased the successful rates IVF treatment regardless of the age of the woman. Acupuncture infertility treatment can also improve the function of the ovaries, leading to better quality eggs and embryos. Acupuncture’s ability to affect our endocrine system can help infertility by the regulation of estrogen and progesterone levels preparing the uterus for implantation. Increased blood flow to the uterus from acupuncture infertility treatment also promoted follicular development and implantation. Acupuncture infertility treatments may be preferred over common infertility drugs such as Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) or Glucophage (Metformin). Not only does it have fewer side effects than fertility drugs, acupuncture infertility treatments can help prevent miscarriage once you do become pregnant. Studies have also shown that women who receive acupuncture infertility treatments also have lower rates of ectopic pregnancies. Other common medications can contribute to infertility and lowered sexual drive, such as Celexa, Zoloft, and Paxil. Acupuncture treatments can also be effective in managing health issues such as depression and anxiety. This benefit may allow you to reduce the use of these drugs under your doctor’s supervision.