Acupuncture is a holistic treatment method that uses very thin steel needles inserted into the skin to stimulate specific points connected to the body’s vital energy called qi. Acupuncture restores the body’s energy balance and activates its natural healing processes.
Placing suction cups on the skin creates a gentle lifting action that activates the circulation of qi and releases stagnant energy and toxins.
Moxibustion is a heat therapy that burns the herb known as moxa, or mugwort, over energy channels to stimulate the flow of qi.
Herbal medicine uses natural plants and herbs in the form of tea, powders, or pills can support in the natural healing processes and alleviating symptoms.
Acupuncture can treat many types of health issues. Common chronic and long-term conditions include:
Other conditions acupuncture may help include:
West Acupuncture is directed by Dr. Kay Joo, L.Ac, PhD. Dr. Joo has over 25 years of experience practicing Korean and Chinese acupuncture and herbal medicine techniques in the Southern California area. She has previously served as the Director and Clinic Supervisor at Dongguk University Los Angeles and trained in residency at Tian Jin First Central Hospital in Tian Jin, China.
Make an appointment today
New patients are welcome to schedule a consultation, and we accept many health insurance plans. Text us at 562-436-8881 to schedule an appointment and create your custom treatment plan with our licensed acupuncturists.
We accept major health insurance plans, including Kaiser Permanente American Specialty Health (ASH), as well as Medicare and Medi-Cal. Please inquire with us about your healthcare coverage for treatments.